Is Auto Insurance Required in Indiana?

Irvington Insurance serves Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding area and has many insurance offerings that can help keep you and your family safe. From home insurance to auto, life, and commercial insurance, we have something for everyone.

In this post, we’ll be sharing the importance of auto insurance and how you can properly protect yourself and your family while on the roads in Indiana. 

The state of Indiana requires all drivers to carry liability insurance. Additionally, you must have uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. The required amount of liability coverage is $25,000 per person, with $50,000 total per accident and $25,000 for property damage.

While this is a good start, it is the bare minimum protection you can have. If you have young drivers or a large family, you’ll want to ensure everyone on your policy is fully covered and protected. 

Driving in Indiana is the primary way residents here get around; from commuting to work, driving to school, running errands, and the like – having a vehicle is essential if you live in the Indianapolis, IN area. 

Because so many people drive in this area of the country, the risk involved in driving increases significantly. With more drivers on the road comes a higher risk of collision or accident. You may be a cautious and safe driver, but you can’t control who is on the road when you are and what they’re doing in the car. 

A full coverage auto insurance policy gives you peace of mind every time you get in the car. Knowing that if you do get into an accident, whether it’s your fault or not, your insurance plan will protect you financially is a huge relief. 

If you need auto insurance, contact Irvington Insurance today. We’re here to help!

Auto Insurance Add-ons to Consider

If you own a car in Indianapolis, IN, you must be familiar with popular car insurance coverages. You probably have heard about the comprehensive, collision, PIP, and liability coverages, but do you know you can purchase add-ons to boost your auto insurance? Yes, “add-ons” or “riders” from Irvington Insurance can strengthen your auto insurance.

Here are common auto insurance add-ons you can add to your policy.

Zero depreciation coverage

With each passing year, the value of your car depreciates. Unfortunately, when your car is stolen or totaled, your insurance company compensates you for the value of your car, less the depreciation factor. The results? You may have to fork out the difference from your pocket.

The good news is that you can protect yourself against depreciation loss by purchasing zero depreciation coverage. With this policy, you will get compensated using the market value of your vehicle.

Consumables add-on

When your vehicle is undergoing repairs, consumables like fluids, bolts, crews, nuts, filters, and so on aren’t covered by your typical auto insurance. However, you can purchase consumables endorsement to cover consumables that are excluded in your standard policy. 

Roadside assistance

Have you ever been stranded on the roads your car broke down? It can be frustrating as you try to call your friends, relatives, and your mechanic. However, when you purchase roadside assistance coverage, your insurer organizes towing, puncture repair, gas delivery, and other services whenever your vehicle stalls far from home. 

Engine protection cover

Collision and comprehensive coverages cover your engine following an accident by a covered peril. However, when water and oil leakage cause damage to your engine, standard auto insurance coverage doesn’t protect your engine. For this reason, you need an engine protection add-on to avoid out-of-pocket engine repairs or replacement.

Would you like to get more insights about auto insurance add-ons? Please get in touch with Irvington Insurance of Indianapolis, IN, for more information. 

What to do After a Car Accident in Indianapolis

When you have been in a car accident in Indianapolis, it’s important that you take care of yourself and your passengers first. There is a claims process with your auto insurance that you will undergo. However, taking a few steps in the immediate aftermath of an auto accident will help you to navigate the claims process swiftly and easily.

At Irvington Insurance, we want to be sure that all drivers in Indianapolis IN are safe and protected when they are on the roads. Make sure you follow the right steps after a car accident in Indianapolis.

Check for Injuries

Personal injury is always the most important thing to look for after you have been in a car accident. Ask everyone if they are okay, and check for yourself if you can not get a response. 

If there are any injuries at all, you must call the police and ambulance services immediately. Do not move anyone that might be injured.

Move the Vehicle

It is the law to move your vehicle to safety as soon as you possibly can if you can. If you have already called the police, they will want you to move the car. If you are unable to move it, let them know when you call. That is so that they know what to expect and what kind of dispatch they need to send out so there are enough officers to help at the scene of the accident.

Exchange Information and Document

When you have a chance, begin to document the scene with photos and notes. Take as many pictures as you can of the accident, the vehicles, traffic conditions, and even weather conditions. Take pictures of passengers if they are injured.

Exchange insurance and personal information, including your driver’s license, with any other drivers.

After this, you will call your insurance company and begin the claims process. You will be instructed on what to do every step of the way from there.

Get a Quote

When you have been in a car accident in Indianapolis, IN, Irvington Insurance wants to be there for you. This is an overwhelming time, and we want to be sure that your every need is covered. Call us for a quote today.

The Consequences of Driving Without Auto Insurance

According to Irvington Insurance, many individuals are driving without auto insurance in Indianapolis, IN. This means that such individuals do not have any coverage to cater for unseen eventualities while driving. In such situations, these drivers are likely to face the following consequences, especially when they are involved in an accident. 

Pay Heavy Fines

All states and districts around the country stipulate that every car on the road should have at least a basic auto insurance catering to associated liabilities. Failure to have such insurance policies will attract some heavy fines, which might prove very difficult to handle. Many people have been forced to pay heavy fines in Indianapolis, IN, after being caught by patrol police driving without insurance.

Pay Losses for Damages Caused

Besides paying the heavy fines to the state or federal government, a person driving without auto insurance will be required to pay for all the losses or damages caused during an accident. In most cases, liability insurance pays for third-party losses and other damages caused by unintentional accidents. However, individuals will be forced to dig deep into their pockets without liability insurance and pay for such expenses.

Cater for Own Damages

Besides paying for losses incurred by third parties in an accident, a person without auto insurance will have to pay for their own damages and sometimes medical expenses, especially when they experience body harm. However, with auto insurance, all the personal damages and medical expenses will always be covered by the insurance organization. A person will not incur out-of-pocket expenses.

Do You Need Auto Insurance?

If you live in Indianapolis, IN, you don’t have to face all these unnecessary fines and expenses. You can get auto insurance from Irvington Insurance to help you cover all the bills and help you save some money. Contact us today for more information about auto insurance.

Auto Insurance Variables Indiana Drivers Should Consider While Researching Policies

Irvington Insurance serves the Indianapolis, IN community by offering residents multiple types of insurance coverage. We strive to help our clients find the policies they need to protect what matters most. For over 70 years, we have enjoyed serving the community.

Auto Insurance Variables

Auto insurance is a valuable asset as you travel around Indianapolis, IN, and beyond. You are protected if your vehicle suffers damages. You are also protected if a fire or natural disaster arises. Liability coverage protects you if your vehicle causes damage to someone else’s property. You are also protected if another person riding in your vehicle suffers injuries due to an accident. To ensure that you find the right policy for your needs, think about these variables. Your driving record is important. If you have a clean driving record, you will have a different type of policy than someone who has many tickets or a previous accident on their driving record.

Consider the amount of driving that you do regularly. If you are putting a lot of miles on your vehicle, that increases the likelihood of being involved in an accident. You will need a different type of policy if you don’t drive your vehicle regularly.

The place where you store your vehicle is also important. If you don’t have a garage, try to find a storage facility to place your vehicle. This helps ensure that your vehicle is safe when you aren’t driving it. You can add coverage to your garage or the storage facility to protect your vehicle if a fire or inclement weather damages the structure.

Irvington Insurance Will Help You Stay Safe On The Road

Visit our website to learn more information about auto insurance.

Is basic auto insurance ever enough

Choosing your auto insurance coverage is a big deal. Making sure you have the right coverage is vital. At the same time, you don’t want to have more coverage than you need. Coming up with the right balance is not easy, and having an insurance agent you trust can make all the difference. At Irvington Insurance Indianapolis, IN, we are locally owned and have been offering customers our expertise for 13 years. 

You are required in the state of Indiana to carry liability insurance. You are also required to have uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage unless you decline it in writing. Liability coverage required is $25,000 per person with $50,000 total per accident and $25,000 for property damage. Uninsured and underinsured coverage matches liability. These are the basic requirement but are they adequate for you? 

The first thing to consider is the amount of liability coverage. If you own little or nothing, then basic auto insurance is fine, but this basic coverage won’t provide the level of protection you need if you have significant assets. Exactly how much liability coverage is right for you is something to discuss with your insurance agent. 

People count on their vehicles to go about their normal daily routines. If you could not easily repair or replace your vehicle with your own money, then having collision and comprehensive offers you needed coverage. 

Collision coverage repairs or replaces your vehicle if you are the responsible party in an accident. Comprehensive covers hazards that are beyond your control like storms, vandalism, and theft. It also includes glass coverage, which is one coverage almost everyone uses at one time or another. 

Your independent agent is the person to discuss your auto insurance needs with. In Indianapolis, IN, Irvington Insurance is the place to go. Give us a call or stop by our office for a no-obligation quote.

What auto insurance is required in Indiana

Indiana has 12,000 miles of federal and state roads and 68,000 miles of county roads. You could take a lifetime to drive on all of them. As a driver in this state, you will need to have liability insurance on your vehicle. Indiana is a 25/50/10 state. What this means is you need to carry a minimum of $25,000 for each person injured in an accident up to a maximum of $50,000 and at least $10,000 for property damage. This is a bare minimum, and given the cost of vehicles today, you can quickly see how $10,000 would not cover the value of the car, leaving you paying the remainder out of pocket. At Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN, we understand auto insurance, and we make sure that our clients have all the coverage they need. 

While the state does not require you to carry more than the basic amount of auto insurance, if you have an auto loan or a lease, you will have to carry both collision and comprehensive insurance. If you have assets, the minimum liability coverage is not enough to keep you protected. So, what insurance isn’t required should you carry? 

Collision coverage protects your vehicle and will repair or replace it for you if you are the at-fault person in an accident. If you are like most people, being without a car isn’t an option, and if your vehicle is relatively new, the replacement value is thousands of dollars. Collision insurance will also provide you with a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired. 

Comprehensive insurance protects you from damage to your vehicle from things other than another vehicle. It also covers you for theft and vandalism. 

Knowing the insurance required in Indiana will help you to understand what coverage is right for you. Stop by the office or give us a call at Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN to make an appointment and get a free quote. 

3 basic auto insurance rules to keep in mind as a first time driver

Shopping for your first car in Indianapolis, IN can be an exhilarating experience. However, there is a not- so- fun part that involves shopping for auto insurance. A car is a huge investment; you want to ensure that you are adequately covered in case you get into an accident so that you don’t have to seek financial help from bank loans. At Irvington Insurance, we recommend conducting proper research and seeking insurance advice from experts before settling on a specific insurance deal.

1. Understand your auto insurance coverages

As a first-time insurance buyer, you may need to invest some time into research for auto insurance. This will help you focus on your needs and budget. Evaluating your coverages also helps keep you one step ahead of your insurance provider. 

2. Not sticking to your budget can be costly

Car insurance rates and coverage options are pretty much similar in most states. The basic auto insurance policy is quite affordable, and it covers most of the critical aspects. If you are tight on budget, consider buying what matters to you most and ignore new optional coverages that will only cost you more. Remember, the more coverages you get on your policy, the more costly your policy gets.

3. Your driving habits are key

Your driving record is a significant determinant of how much your insurance company will charge you. Young drivers are generally perceived as less experienced and, therefore, are likely to be charged more.

Purchasing insurance for your first toy is not an option but a legal requirement. Adhering to the traffic rules put in place as well as keeping your insurance coverages updated are some of the important steps that can help you stay safe on the roads as a first-time driver. For more information on auto insurance, speak to an Irvington Insurance expert in Indianapolis, IN today!