Situations That May Require More Than Just a Basic Homeowners Policy

Homeowners insurance is an important protection that can help to defray the costs of damage from unexpected events. However, a wide range of coverage is available, depending on your own individual needs. At Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN, we offer a variety of homeowners policies to protect your home investment.

Types of Homeowners Insurance Policies

There are several different types of homeowners insurance policies from which to choose. Each type provides different protections, and the cost varies with the amount of coverage. Most homeowners need an HO-3 type policy, which covers such perils as fire, lightning, smoke, damage by vehicles, theft, vandalism, the weight of snow or ice, overflow of water from systems inside the home, freezing of systems, and short-circuiting of electrical systems. But other types of policies are also available.

You May Need Additional Coverage Than What A Standard Policy Provides

An HO-5 policy is more comprehensive in its coverage and pays for replacement costs rather than actual cash value. HO-8 policies cover older or historic homes with higher repair and replacement costs. In addition, if you live in an area prone to flooding, you will need coverage for flooding, which is not covered by standard home insurance policies. This is also true of earthquake and sinkhole hazards requiring additional policy coverage. Similarly, if you have expensive artwork, furs, or jewelry, you may need additional coverage that goes beyond standard policy limits.

Make Irvington Insurance Your Choice for Homeowners Insurance

If you have questions regarding home insurance coverage, our Indianapolis, IN agents can provide detailed information. Contact Irvington Insurance today for a no-obligation quote on a home insurance policy that covers your own unique needs.

Three Ways to Get the Most From Your Auto Insurance Policy

If you’re looking for auto insurance in the Indianapolis, IN area, you want to ensure you get the quality and value you deserve. To do that, you want to work with trusted agents you can rely on to help you choose a policy. At Irvington Insurance, our dedicated professionals will work with you to find coverage that meets your needs. Here’s how to get the most from your auto policy.

First, it’s important to shop around. When you work with us, we’ll look at the options from several different insurers. Then you can see everything in one place, and you won’t spend all day making phone calls or asking for details from multiple companies. With everything laid out in one spot, you can get questions answered fast and choose the right policy for your needs.

Second, you want to ensure you cover what matters most. There are minimum limits you have to meet, but many people choose to have more coverage than that. Why? Because it provides additional peace of mind. Even if a particular type of coverage isn’t required or minimum limits are low, you can always choose to have more coverage so that you can worry less.

Third, consider reviewing your policy at least once per year. Circumstances can change, and a different insurer might be a better choice than your current one. If you don’t review your policy with your agent, you could miss out on additional value. A yearly review helps avoid that.

Reach out to us at Irvington Insurance today if you’re in the Indianapolis, IN area and looking for quality auto insurance you can rely on. Our agents are here to help you feel good about your insurance policy options.

Life insurance FAQs

Having questions about life insurance is not unusual. Most people are not life insurance experts, and they must count on their independent insurance agent to give them the advice that allows them to make educated decisions. At Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN, we understand what an important decision choosing your life insurance is, and we will be there for you with any answers and advice you need. 

How is a life insurance claim filed?

When the person covered by life insurance passes away, you must call the insurer. You will need to fill out a claim form and send them a copy of the death certificate. Assuming you have had the policy for a while, that is all there is to it. The check will be mailed to you. If it is a new policy, more investigation may be required before the insurer pays.

Do I need to have insurance policies for my children?

Unless you have extraordinary children who have dependents, then the answer is no. Life insurance is designed to replace the income of the person who has passed away. Most children have no income. Parents love their children, which makes them want to protect their children, but this is not necessary. 

Do I need my own life insurance if I get some from work?

Life insurance as a work benefit is an excellent addition to your financial plan, but it should not be your only plan. What if you change jobs? What if your employer goes belly up? It is essential that you have your own life insurance coverage. 

At Irvington Insurance in Indianapolis, IN, we can help you find the best life insurance for your situation in life. Give our office a call today. 

Keeping Your Home Safe During The Holidays

Although the holidays are an exciting time that everyone looks forward to, it is essential to remember that they can also put your home at risk in many ways. Here at Irvington Insurance, serving Indianapolis, IN, and the surrounding areas, we want to help homeowners like you keep their homes safe all year round. Keep reading to learn how to keep your home safe during the holidays. 

Know Who’s Visiting

The holidays can be a time of lots of coming and going. If you or other housemates are expecting visitors, it is critical that you know who is coming and when they are arriving. This is especially true if people are coming to visit that you are not very familiar with. Talk with everyone in the house concerning announcing arriving guests and how everyone in the home must be aware of who is visiting and when they are visiting. 

Stick To Regular Safety Tasks 

You might be tempted to do things a bit differently if you have visitors coming for the holidays. For instance, if there are lots of visitors who will be coming and going during the day, you might be tempted to leave doors unlocked. Although this could be more convenient, this is not a good idea. Come up with more secure ways to ensure everyone can come and go as they need to or request that coming and going be kept to a minimum if you are not at home. 

Be Smart With Holiday Lights and Decorations 

It’s lots of fun to put up holiday lights and decorations, but these can pose risks if installed incorrectly. Be sure to follow instructions precisely for any decorations that use electricity. 

If you want to learn about home insurance, don’t hesitate to contact us at Irvington Insurance serving Indianapolis, IN, and the surrounding areas. 

Four rules to follow when you buy auto insurance

You have plenty of options available when you’re on the market for auto insurance in Indianapolis, IN. At Irvington Insurance, we can offer you auto insurance to protect you financially as a motorist. 

The following are four rules that you should always follow when you buy auto insurance. 

Understand the types of coverage that are available

There are plenty of coverage types available when you purchase auto insurance. You need to get liability coverage to drive legally in Indiana. 

You also have the option of buying collision, comprehensive, uninsured motorist, and rental vehicle coverage. These are just a few of the coverage types you can buy. Knowing these coverage types and how they can benefit you when choosing a policy is essential. 

Get more than the minimum for your liability coverage

Buying only minimum coverage is generally not a good idea. Liability expenses can be very high in the event of a bad accident. You can purchase more than minimum liability coverage to enjoy more peace of mind and avoid severe financial consequences in the event of a bad accident. 

Learn about ways to save

Auto insurance providers often offer various discounts. You may qualify for a discount for having a flawless driving record or for going through a defensive driving course. 

Explore discounts that may be available to you to get the best deal on your policy. 

Carefully evaluate the quotes that you receive.

When you get quotes, make sure you review them carefully. Evaluate the cost and the coverage each individual provider is offering you to choose a good option for your needs. 

Call us at Irvington Insurance to get a quote on an auto insurance policy in Indianapolis, IN. We can provide you with insurance solutions to meet your needs. 

Types of Life Insurance

The agents at Irvington Insurance, serving the Indianapolis, IN area, are touting the importance of life insurance and the many different types you can choose from. There are several types of life insurance policies that you can choose from depending on your situation.

Types of Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance

This type of policy provides coverage for the entire life of the insured person if they keep up with the premiums. This is a popular type of life insurance since you can take cash from it while you are still alive to pay off debts ahead of time for your family.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance pays out a death benefit if the person dies during the term it is in effect. You can choose from a term of one year to 30 years or longer. You can renew the policy after the term expires, but it may cost more.

Universal Life Insurance

This type of life insurance policy is similar to whole life insurance, but it allows for more flexibility in premium payments and death benefit amounts. Also, the cash value of your policy can earn interest at a variable rate.

Variable Life Insurance

Variable life insurance allows you to invest your cash from it in things such as bonds, mutual funds, and stocks. This means the amount of the cash value of your policy will fluctuate.

Other Types of Life Insurance

Other types of life insurance you can choose from include survivorship life insurance for two people or the indexed universal life insurance policy that allows you to play the stock market with the cash from it.

We Are Here To Help!

To create the best life insurance policy for you and your loved ones in the Indianapolis, IN area, contact the life insurance agents at Irvington Insurance today!

Tips to prepare your home for a storm

Irvington Insurance is here to assist with your home insurance needs and related concerns. In the Indianapolis, IN area, it’s important to make sure your home is prepared for storms. 

Here are a few tips from us to help you get ready:

1. Secure any outdoor furniture or items that could be blown away during a storm. Make sure to bring in anything that could become a dangerous projectile in high winds, such as patio umbrellas or planters.

2. Install a backup generator or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) so that you have power in case of an outage. This will be especially helpful if you rely on medical equipment with no battery backup.

3. Trim trees and shrubs around your house to reduce the risk of branches falling onto your roof or windows during a storm and damaging them.

4. Clear your gutters and downspouts of debris to ensure proper drainage away from your property should there be heavy rainfall during a storm. 
5. Stock up on supplies such as flashlights, batteries, water, and non-perishable food items so that you are prepared in case you lose power for an extended period of time due to the storm. 

6. Make sure your downspouts point away from your foundation so that water does not infiltrate your basement. 

Reach Out To Us

By following these tips, you can help make sure your home is ready for any incoming storms at any time of year! For more tips on how to get your house ready, or if you have any questions about your home insurance, auto insurance, or any other type of policy, give us at Irvington insurance a call today. We proudly serve the Indianapolis, IN area.

Liability Protection With Car Insurance

As a driver in the Indianapolis area, you need to protect your vehicle and yourself with car insurance. Liability protection is essential to any car insurance policy, allowing you to handle any financial losses that may arise from an accident. Irvington Insurance is here to help you find the right coverage in Indianapolis, IN. 

What Is Liability Coverage? 

Liability coverage protects you if you are found at fault in an accident or if you cause damage to someone else’s property. It also covers medical expenses for any injuries that occur because of the accident. The amount of liability coverage needed depends on several factors, including the value of your vehicle and assets. Irvington Insurance can guide what kind of coverage would be best for your situation. 

Why Do I Need Liability Coverage? 

Liability coverage is essential because it can help protect you from paying out-of-pocket for damages resulting from an accident. Without this protection, any costs associated with an accident could be financially devastating. Having the right type and amount of liability coverage will give you peace of mind that you are adequately protected if something unexpected happens while driving on the roads around Indianapolis.  

Do I Need More Than Liability?

While liability coverage is the minimum required by law, it may not be enough to cover all potential damages in an accident. Consider additional protection, such as a collision and comprehensive policy. This coverage will protect you if your vehicle is damaged in an accident, regardless of who is at fault.

Get The Right Coverage For Your Needs

Drivers in Indianapolis, IN need reliable liability protection with their car insurance policies, and Irvington Insurance is here to help! If you’re looking for comprehensive auto insurance coverage tailored to meet your specific needs, contact us today!

Do Retirees Need Life Insurance?

A major benefit that many employees receive during their tenure is life insurance. Many retirees wonder if life insurance is worth investing in once they leave their jobs. Irvington Insurance is here to help with all your pertinent questions. 

Why Retirees Need Life Insurance

Life insurance is not a legal requirement for Indianapolis, IN residents, but many choose to protect their descendants using this tool. Particular circumstances may vary, and older people often have spouses who remain dependent on them for the various streams of income due to them each month. Life insurance is one way to continue providing the essentials and is particularly important if a survivor’s pension or social security will decrease significantly or be taken away entirely.  

You may also have a grown child who has special needs, or you may have accumulated debt that will be difficult for your family to pay off. Student loans can remain outstanding, particularly if you went to college later in life.

Many retirees still have a mortgage on their homes, and other common obligations are for personal loans, car notes, or credit cards. Your Irvington Insurance representative can better assist you with the specifics of which product will best meet your needs. 

It’s possible that when you pass away, your loved ones could face estate taxes. Life insurance helps with this and can also assist with paying for burial costs. 

You may be in a situation where there isn’t sufficient equity in a home to divide among inheritors, and you wish to leave an inheritance to your surviving family members. Parents, especially those who had children later in life, may wish to leave something to help their offspring go to college or start a business. 

Contact Us Today

Serving residents in and around Indianapolis, IN, our team of insurance experts at Irvington Insurance can tailor an insurance package just for you. Reach out to us by stopping in the office, calling, or visiting us online. 

Do all people need to have a home insurance plan in Indiana?

The Indianapolis, IN area can be a great place to own a home. This is a large city with a growing population and plenty of local amenities and job opportunities. When you are looking to buy a home in this area, it would be a good idea to also get insurance for the property.

There are various reasons why the typical property owner here will need to have a home insurance policy:

Receive Valuable Coverage

An important reason that anyone here will need to have a home insurance policy is so they can receive valuable coverage. When you are a property owner, you will have made a very significant investment and asset purchase. Along with this investment, you will want to know that you have support if you incur a loss due to a fire, vandalism, or other unexpected situation. If you have home insurance, it will provide you with coverage for your dwelling, and personal items, and even offer liability coverage. 

Comply with Requirements

It could also be a good idea to get home insurance so you are able to comply with any requirements that you have. When you buy a home, it is likely that you take out a mortgage as well. Further, you may choose to live in a home association. If you have done either of these things, you likely have a requirement to maintain insurance coverage. 

Contact Us Today

If you are in the Indianapolis, IN area, it would always be a good idea to get home insurance. The team with Irvington Insurance can provide any guidance that you need to create your ideal home insurance plan. When you start working with Irvington Insurance, you will receive personalized support so you fully understand all of your insurance options and needs as you build your next policy.